Wednesday, May 14, 2014

CoC - Mines

Another Convergence servitor solo that I've picked up after the Attunement servitor is the Reflex servitor.

Like all the other servitors so far they come in a blister of three so expect to see this x3 when you open up your blister.  As you can see there is not much assembly that is required seeing as the figure itself is all one part so you basically just need to attach the flight stand and you are done.  The model itself is fairly simple but then again what would you expect from a model that is a mine?  I've seen some pictures of some pretty neat conversions for this model where it is cut in half and just placed on the base to represent how it can dig-in.  If not for my tile basing I'd be quite tempted to copy the dug-in look since I found it to be quite a good idea.  Not only did the model look good but you can also theoretically make six models out of three so I thought I'd pass on the idea in case others would like to try it.

In game terms, I think that the model is quite good with its dig-in defensive ability and is thus pretty much safe from shooting or blast attacks.  Along with its counter-charge ability and proper placement it is also quite good at getting in the first punch and disrupting enemy charges.

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to painting these models yet either and seeing as they lack any assembly they most likely will be one of the last things that I get around to painting.  So don't expect to see any pictures of them painted any time soon :P.  Though, I will give you an idea of how they will look like with the colour scheme that I've thought up for them.  The main body will be black, the front grill will be red with the three vertical lines being purple.  As for the little pressure nobs covering the body, those will more than likely be bronze.

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